Somewhere inbetween movement
»Somewhere inbetween movement«
// Leo Bunte

U25 - Richtung: Junge Kulturinitiativen (Young culture initiatives)

Additional Fonds Soziokultur funding programme for young culture initiatives


In brief

Application deadlines:

2 May and 2 November of the current year

Funding amount:

Max. EUR 4 000, however at most 80 % of the overall project costs

Eligible to apply:

Young people aged between 18 and 25 years who would like to carry out a sociocultural project with others

Clubs can submit an application on behalf of young people (e.g. participants in the FSJ voluntary social year programme) if the project for which the application is being made is a stand-alone, autonomous project being coordinated by the young people in question and the club is “only” assisting with the financial issues relating to the project.

It must be clear from the application (image presentation) that the project is designed to be independently planned and implemented by the young adults.

Costs / financial plan:

Specification of the total project costs in the costs plan
There is no fixed percentage stipulation regarding the proportion of own and third-party funding.
Planned third-party funding does not have to have been granted at the time the application is made.

Project begin:

Projects (incl. preparatory work) cannot begin before the relevant commission of the board of trustees has held its meetings to allocate grants.

Where the deadline for applications is 2 May: Projects cannot begin until mid-July of that year at the earliest

• Where the deadline for applications is 2 November: Projects cannot begin until the end of January of the following year

Project funds are not linked to the financial year

Project end:

It is not necessary for projects to be completed in the current year

Funding decision:

Approx. 8 to 10 weeks after the closing date for applications; by a committee of the board of trustees (2 board members and 2 young adults who are eligible to cast a vote)

Application form:

Our website includes a dedicated login area (only available in German) You can use the login area to work on your application form online; save it; come back to it later and submit it to the Fonds Soziokultur (Sociocultural Fund) when it has been completed. 


Not eligible for funding


As a matter of principle, no investment expenditure may be included in the costs plan (= purchase of real estate; renovation of premises; purchase of equipment or office furniture, etc. which costs more than EUR 800 per single purchase).

• The cost plans cannot include any non-cash services (voluntary work, free provision of rooms or technology, material donations). Only expenses for which there will later be a cash flow may be calculated.


Objective of the additional funding programme

Commitment is not a given, also in socioculture, but instead requires special motivation and support. This is particularly true of young people with good ideas who want to gain initial first-hand experience of art and culture projects but have to overcome financial obstacles to do so.

The aim of the additional funding programme of the Fonds Soziokultur (Sociocultural Fund) for young initiatives is to provide young adults aged from 18 to 25 with the opportunity to develop and implement their own project ideas within the practical sociocultural environment. The desire is to promote young people’s creative potential.

When doing so, the objective is to encourage young adults to get involved in the practical sociocultural environment (in the long term) and to present them with ways to realise good ideas.

Who can apply for a grant?

Young people aged between 18 and 25 years who would like to carry out a sociocultural project with others. In addition to this, clubs submitting an application on behalf of young people are also eligible to apply. In this context, applications may not relate to a club project FOR young people but instead must relate to a project BY young people (e.g. participants in the FSJ voluntary social year programme). The club will handle the financial issues relating to the project on behalf of the project coordinator (18 - 25 years of age).

It must be clear from the application (image presentation) that the project is designed to be independently planned and implemented by the young adults.

What do we fund?

The programme supports small, experimental cultural projects which focus on a specific theme and are limited in time. Whether a video project on migration in an urban district; a hip hop event; a photo exhibition documenting the changes in a village; or a young adults’ project with media artists, there are no limits on applicants’ imagination. Open-mindedness is important, as is enjoying making things happen; curiosity and willingness to move out of your comfort zone.

Apply for a grant and wow us with your idea! A grant from the Fonds Soziokultur (Sociocultural Fund) will take you to the next level. Find other partners and supporters and your project can begin.

How much can I apply for?

Fund grants within the scope of this programme are limited to max. EUR 4 000, however at most 80 % of the overall project costs.

Who decides which projects are allocated a grant?

A special committee made up of two members of the Fonds Soziokultur board of trustees and two young adults who are eligible to cast a vote decides how grants are allocated.

Application form

Our website includes a login area (only available in German) with an online form. You can use it to work on your application form; save it; come back to it later and submit it to the Fonds Soziokultur when it has been completed.

The (precisely completed) application form is a key factor in the board of trustees’ committee’s selection process. No other information documents should be attached to the application. Exception: A more detailed costs and financial plan which provides more detail on the rough cost calculation included on the application form.

Application deadlines

Applications for project funding can be submitted twice a year:

2. May
This date is intended for projects which are planned to begin in the 2nd half of the current year.
Project begin: Not before 15 July.
It is not necessary for projects to be completed by 31 December of the year; they can also continue into the following year.

2. November
This date is intended for projects which are planned to begin in the 1st half of the following year.
Project begin: Not before the end of January of the following year.

The date on which the application is submitted via the online portal is definitive for compliance with the deadline.

Tips on submitting an application

Please also see our tips for applicants section, which includes answers to FAQs: Tipps für Antragsteller*innen (Tips for applicants - only available in German)


Should you have any questions - on formal issues, content or finances - please call us.



Tabea Deckers
available Mon-Wed
Tel.: 02 28 - 97 144 79 23
