Are you looking for a specific document? Below you will find a list of all the documents available for download that may become important during your project funding.
You don't yet know when you need what and would like to get an overview first? You will find an explanation on the pages of your funding programme.
Some documents are currently only available in German. We are working on a translation. Until then, we recommend using an AI translation tool. There are many free providers that deliver good translations.
sample applications
Costs and Financial plan
► Sample Financing plan General Project Funding / Profile: Socioculture
► Sample Financing plan U25 – Focus: Young Culture Initiatives
► Comparison Table pay grades TVöD
► Overview Travel Expenses
► Sample Travel Expenses Accounting
► Overview catering/meals/daily allowance
► Amount of the daily allowance/overnight allowance when travelling abroad
► Guidance on the awarding of services
► Further information from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
payment of funds
Accounting/Proof of appropriate use
► Download Checklist Project accounting
► Download Excel Template for Financial Summary/Proof of Appropriate Use (General Project Funding)
► Download Excel Template for Financial Summary/Proof of Appropriate Use (U25 – Focus: Young Culture Initiatives)
► Download Declaration for Fixed Amount, Gap, or Partial Financing
► Download Declaration for Defined Cost Items
► Common mistakes in project accounting/proof of appropriate uses